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Boston after dark volume 1, number 25, Wed., Mar. 2, 1966
Boston after dark volume 1, number 25, Wed., Mar. 2, 1966
Boston after dark
Boston after dark
Wed., Mar. 2, 1966
Wed., Mar. 2, 1966
volume 1, number 25
volume 1, number 25
Boston After Dark was a weekly publication on popular culture and entertainment in the Boston, Massachusetts area that was issued from 1965 to 1972. From May 26 to September 1, 1970, it was known as Publick Occurrences & Boston After Dark. The publication was succeeded by The Boston Phoenix After Dark (1972-1973) and The Boston Phoenix (1972-2013).
Boston After Dark Publishing Company
Boston After Dark Publishing Company
Boston After Dark Publishing Company
Boston After Dark Publishing Company
Suffolk County
Suffolk County
New England
Suffolk County
Popular culture
Popular culture
Suffolk County
New England
Popular culture
Boston after dark
Boston after dark
Phoenix Media/Communications Group records (Z16-032)
Boston after dark volume 1, number 25, Wed., Mar. 2, 1966
boston after dark volume 000001 number 000025 wed mar 000002 001966
Boston after dark
Popular culture Massachusetts Suffolk County
Recreation Massachusetts Suffolk County
New England Periodicals
Lewis, James T.
Lewis, James T.
Boston After Dark Publishing Company
Lewis, James T.
Somerville, Massachusetts
ter ~ark
Boston's only complete entertainment weekly
Voi. I, No. 25 Boston, Mess., Wed., Mar. 2, 1966 FREE
'Roses' opened Monday at Wilbur;
script slight, actors tired
BJ 1.arrJ Stark
"The Subject Was Roses" had
a very long run on Broadway Per•
haps the cast is a little tired by
now, but the script itseH was a
little tired to start with. There is
little in the Cleary family's tribula•
tions which appears fresh, or ex•
citi!tg, 'Or even terribly important.
It all C'Omes about because Tim•
my Cleary C'Omes home, after two
years of fighting in the second
world war, with the awareness
that something is wrong with the
way the three Clearys live to•
gether. And he is finally adult
enough to be able to talk about
it. AU the buried hurts and ten•
sions of years -of marriage come
boiling explosively to the surface
in his first two days home. John
Fran!< D. Gl!ruy. Producffi hv Ed~tar
Lan~h•\'1·· Di re<:te as much as an
FREE. Works -of J. s. Bach, interpretation. Signor Fellini has
C. P. E. Bach, Haydn. Wellesley realized the futility of trying to
Madrigal Group assisting orch· C'Ompletely understand a woma.'l
estra. and has, · instead, woven her into
Jastrumeatal ud Vocal Music - a fabric of rainbows and textures
TUES March 8, 8:30 p.m New and fantasy, into the sensuous
England Conservatory Concert manner 1!1 which women are said
at Jorda.'l Hall. FREE. to perceive things.
J. S. BACH - Partita No. 1 In B And so, above all, he has made
Brf~MS~ Rhapsody No. 2, Op. 79 a lovely film. Whether or not Giul•
SCHUBERT - Impromptu in C Oat ietta's character is fully probed
uS:f".:. ~~.~ 1n B minor seern_s immaterial. What is impor-
A Program et Jewish Music - tant 1S texture and tone and C'Olor.
MON March 7, 7:30 p.m. Rapa- 0~ .shot especially bears this out;
porte Treasure Hall, Brandeis. Gmlietta steps into the back·
FREE. Tapes, discussion, recep-~ and the camera pulls focus
tion in honor of the publication mto the foregJ:'OU!Id and onto a
of "Hebrew Cantata: Poems of vase of violets. End of shot. The
Halevi" by Prof. H. Shapiro. character has been overlooked for
DuDSter House Music 6odd7 Con· love~. . .
eeri - SUN March 6, 3 p.m. . It 1S ~le to divorce this
Dunster House Library Har- film from its C'Olor, for both the
vard. BACH - Gamba 'Sonata fantasy and Giulietta's character
No. 1, English Suites Nos. 4 & 6. 8~ .too interwoven intrinsically
Warren steel, harpsichord; '!lth a spectr~ ~· At
Keith Orner, gamba. ~her ~ucmations, !he spir·
laD ud Sylria. Folk singers SAT tts of the title, are earned over
March 5, 8 p.m. Cousens 'Gym, by hue and even face i!lto the
'hfts, 666-4097. $3, $2.50.
Clncllmatl Symplloay .- . SAT
March 5. Symphony Hall. $6.50,
$4.50, $3.50. IB.U. Celebrity
MOZART - C major Symphony, lt.
NEILSEN - Symphony No. 4, Op.
29 ( "Inextinguishable")
BEETHOVEN - "Emperor" Concerto
conductor: Max Rudolf
piano solo : Claudio Arrau
Vleua Choir Boys - SUN March
~ 3 p.m. Symphony Hall. CO 6-
1492 rB.U. Celebrity Series)
CROCE - Cantat~ Domino
DA PALESTRIKA - Salvatore Mundi
BACH - Aria from Cantata 'o. [06
CAPLET - 0 Salutaris Hostia
ROMANVSXY - Laudate Pueri
BRUCKNER - At Midnight
Also. folk song5 from ·around the
Eddy ArDGid - FRI March 4, 8:30
p.m. Symphony Hall. $4.50, $3.50,
$2.50. Featuring Dottie Wea,
Don Bowman, Jim Edward
Cooeert of New · Mask - SAT
March 5, 6 p.m. Kirkland House
Junior Common Room, Harvard.
FREE. Continuous performance
lasting about 5 hours.
Vocal Recital - SUN March 6,
8:30 p.m. Adams House Junior
Common Room, Harvard. Rob•
ert Gartside, tenor, presents
songs by Schuman.'l, Debussy,
Sixteenth-Century l u t e n i s t s,
Charles Ives, and Keith Humble.
Bach Cantata Singers - WED
March 2, 7:15p.m. Holme.'- Hail,
JULIET OF 'fHF. ." 0 !'!\ITS, directed by
Federico F .. lini. Screenplay by Fellini
TulUo Pinelli, Ennio Flaiano, and Bru:
nelln Rondi. From an ori!rinal story by
Fellini and Pinelli. Produced by AnJiielo
Rinoli for iRzzoli Film Distrihutcon. In
Italian with Engliah subtitles. At tht•
Park Square Cinema and Cinema Ken•
m~lte Skuare. Running time: 2 hours. 17
Juliet . . • . . . . . . . . . . . GiulieHa Masina
Juliet, a.t a child . . . . Alba Canct-lliPri
Giorgio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mario Puu
Susy, Iris, and Franny . . Sandra Milo
Grandfather . . . . . . . . . . . . Lou Gilbert
Mother . . . . . . . . . . . . Caterina Boratto
Adele . . . . . . . . . . . . Luisa Della Noet•
Sylva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sylva Koscina
Valentina . . . . . . . . Valentina Cortpse
Jose . . . . . . . . . . . . Jose de Villalonga
Buhma . ... ... . ...... Waleska G .. rt
"real" people of her life. It is a
tribute to FederiC'O Fellini's skill
that the line between spiritual and
tangible becomes not C'Onfusing
but ambiguous. A next door neigh•
bor's beach with its brilliant yel•
iow oikirus and OnentaJ servants
appears almost as unreal as the
somberly C'Olored hallucination oC
a slave barge which follows. A$ if
she were bathed in clairvoyant
light Giulietta is seen intercut in
both these scenes in brilliant
In his first C'Oior film, Fellbti
is less the story teller than the
,painter. The screen is a canvas so
brilliant in style and form that
one is often blinded to the story.
His cutting is very swift, never
lingers, o!lly gives a glimpse of a
new face at the end of a longish,
involved pan, and off away to a
new shot. In the first few opening
shots the audience is dropped,
groping for Grientatio!l, into the
midst of activity. Fellini keeps the
activity g'oing for the length of the
( CoaUaaed laslde) Sandra Milo and )Giulletta Maalna In "Juliet of the Splrlta."
But isn't all this a little famil•
iar? It plays somewhat like the
psychiatric study of a clasic case
of asthma. It is all to Freudian
and too familiar to make impres•
sive theatre. 1 "1 never was s ick
a day after l left here," says Tim•
my. " lt look me a long time lo
flgure out why." l ll is almost as
though Frank D. Gilroy atl:!mptcd
to turn a profit by turning his
analysis into a play.
In all Cairnes, however, the play
is much better written than it is
acted. There is good , spontaneous
dialogue developing most of the
action of the play, but the cast
rarely conveys the unspoken ten•
lou Gilbert In "Juliet of the sions which lie beneath it. In the
Splrita." first scene .. . the morning after
film. As a result, "Juliet" is never
dull. It may take a second view•
ing to see the method to the mad•
ness, but a lovelier piece of mad•
ness has rarely captivated an
In the face of this style, depth
or profundity are hardly impor•
ta..'lt. Some may call this super•
ficiality on Fellini's part, but only
in relation to his earlier, soul•
probing works. Giulietta is not
Guido, the self-searching, intense,
director-hero of "8ll.t "; she is seH•
searching only in wanti'lg to know
how to win back her husband.
Some may also object to the un•
resolved ending. Giulietta is left
in a tenuous and alJlbiguous rela•
tion with her spirits. This again
is kl keeping with the slice of
canvas the film is. Just as the
audience is dropped into the film
it is lifted out at the end. '
Film of 'Merry Wives'
opera shown next week
The film version of "The Merry
Wives of Windsor," the opera bas•
ed on Shakespeare's play, will be
presenred for a special two-day
engageme!lt Wednesday and
Thursday March 9 and 10.
a homecoming-party . . . the long
pauses, between clipped and hesi•
tant lines, say very little. The au•
dience understands that they are
being t'Old that something is wrong,
but the te!lsions really don't exist
on stage.
In particular, Jack Albertson as
John "puts over' ' most of his lines
with a solid comic delivery and
timing. The laughs are there, to
be sure, but this is not a comedy,
and much of the depth in the play
is lost by playing it so.
Martin Sheen tends to "play it
for laughs" too. His best "scenes
are in the mid-sectin of the play,
however, when he begins accus•
ing his parents of persecuti!lg one
another In the awkward first
scene, wherein the returned son
does everything wrong while try.
ing to please both parents, every•
one fails, but Sheen even fails to
understand the surface motiva•
tions of his character.
It is hard tn tell whether Martha
Scott makes Nettie appear di•
vorced from the group, or whether
this in i!lherent in the character
itself. Her touCh-me-not aloofness
elquently describes Nettie's frigid•
ity. But in scenes when the
Clearys enjoy one another's C'Om•
pany, there is never any sugges•
tion that Nettie is really joining
in the fun even a little.
The opera, by Otto NiC'Olai, re•
C'Ounts the adventures of Shakes•
peare's irrepressible comic hero,
Sir John Falstaff, and his wooing
of two "respectable married la•
dies" who play a series of mis-
chievous tricks on the befuddled Most plays C'Ome to Boston haH-
and fmally bewildered knight. dressed, hurrying toward Broad-
In this area, the film will be way. But, after a lo!lg pre-Boston
shown at the Orpheum Theatre in tryout in New York, "The Subject
Boston, The New Coolidge Cinema Was Roses'• is still a spotty, un•
in WatertoW!I, and the Communitv satisfying production.
Playhouse in Wellesley.
Where did
What did
you go?
you do?
Out· 'Lord Love a Duck' £u~nts of Note lf1un for tlfe 1J1nrtnigl}t
• • •
Without a complete guide to entertainment in Boston the
college community has been at a disadvantage. When lo~king
for a place to spe~d .a free afternoon or a Saturday evening,
you have been lumted to rummaging through the Sun•
day paper and chec.lcing the campus bulletin boards. Both
these sources are sadly Jacking for neither is equipped to in•
clude the myriad activities of this exciting city.
Boston After Dark was created to fill the gap. Published
~eekl~ ~nd distributed free to colleges throughout the
city, It IS the only complete guide to all entertainment:
from hockey games to coffee-house theatre from chamber
music concerts to underground films, from pr~-Broadway try•
outs to free lectures.
Not 'being af_filiated with a particular school, we are free
to draw our reviewers from throughout the college community.
ln fact ,we are <:~nxious to expand our staff; if you liTe know•
ledgeable about theatre, films, folk music or any other subject
suitable for critiques in Boston After Dark, please let us know.
(Writing ability is less important than knowledge of the sub•
You .can help us to b~ complete. If your organization is
sp~:msonng an event, or If you know of anything we have
m1ssed, drop us a note.
. V!e are sure you will ~ind f!ost?n After Dark helpful-even
md!spensable-for m.akmg hfe m Boston more interesting,
active, ~nd fun. And 1f we help you to enjoy Boston, then we
are servmg our purpose.
C:opyri,:ht 1966 llton Aft<"r Dark J>nhli•hin~ Company
Boston After Dar~ is publishecJ every W eclnesday.
All couesponcJence shoulcJ be sent to: Boston Alter Dar~
P.O. Bo• 92
Somerville 44, Mass.
To be publishecJ the following week. notices oncJ articles musl be
recei-~ecJ by. F,;cJo_,y. Thete is no charge for listing events, how•
evet, th.e. ecJttor wtll mo~e any changes which he cJeems necessory.
AcJverftstng rates available on request.
Publishet ...............•............•.... James T. Lewis
Managing EcJitor ............•............. Marsha Wishny
Crifics . • . • . • . • • . • . • . . • • • • . • • • . • . . . • . • . • . • . • • Larry Stark
John Geeza
William Sarill
Patrid O'Neil
ASTOR - ( LJ .2·5030)
''The Sl~nder Tluead" COOLIDGE - (9!H-2100)
Daily: 9:45, 11:45, 1 :4.;, 3:45, 5 :45 Through TuM:
7:41;, 9:45 ' "lperHS Fil@"
Sun: 1:45, 3:15, 5:15, 7:15, 9:15 "Spy Who Came in from th@ Cold-
Through Tues, Mar 15 Welleeley
BEACON HILL- (CA 7-667(1)
"The Loved Ones"
Dall,.: 10. 12 • .2 • .(. ll, 8, 10 COMMUNITY PLAYHOUSE- (CE S-
Sun.: 1:30, 3 :30, 3:30 7::10, 9 :30 00.'1)
•aattJ. of doe Bul~re"
Through Tues:
"Spy Who Came in from the Cold"
"A Home of Your Own"
Woo, Tues. nu. Fri: 8 :30
Wed: 2. 8:30
Sat, SUD: 1:30, 5. 8 :30
CAPJU - (CO 7-9030)
Daily : 10:1.5, 12, 1!, 4, 6, 8, 10
Sun: 1:35, 3 :30, 5 :30, 7 :2.'i, 9 :25
.. The Chase"
Daily: 9:30, 12, 2 :30, .o;, 7:30, 9 :45
Sun: 1:30, 4, 7, 9:3.')
Theatre Sclaedule
Rwsian drama by Nilcoli Gol!OI
Charles Play howe ( LI 2-3325)
Tues-Frl: 8 :30
Sat: 5:30, 9
Sun: 3, 7:30
Opens tonight at 8 pm
New play by Andy & Dave Lewis
l:.bealre Company of Boston
CtNEMA, J[- Sq. - (282..:!7911 ) Hotel To11raine (426-61109)
"J111iet of the Spirits" Tues-Frl: 8:30
2:30. 4:50, 7:15, 9 :30 Sat: 6, 9 :30
Sun: 5. 8:30
CLEVELAND CIRCLE - ( 566-C040) {)pt>m Thun: opeoin& rught 7:30
"The Oscar" Pr~Vit'W toni~tht, 8:30.
Sun ·Thurs: I, 3, .o;:l.o;, 7 :30, 9:45 IVANOV, by Cbelcbov
Fri, Sat: 1, 3:10, .';:40, 8, 10:20 Pre-Broadway tryout
EJtETER _ (U 18-?oe'T) ShuMrt Theatre 426-4520)
"Othello" Eves: 8:30
2 1.._ r IS 3 30 Mal : Thurs. 2:15; Sat., 2:30 : ._. " ' • ' SUBJECT WAS ROSES,
FINE ARTS - ( 282-11878) By Fran\ Gilroy
Trough Sat: Touring Company
"He Who Must Uie" 2, 5:15, 8 :45 Wilbur Theatre (HA 6~827 )
"Never on Sunday" 4, 7, 10 Eves: 8:30 Sun-Tues: Mat: Thurs, .2 :15; Sat, 2:30
"The Fate of a Man" 2, 6 :30, 11 :45 SPRING'S AWAKENING
"AI<•xandrr Nrvsky" 3::.10, 7. 10 By Frank Wedekind Loeb Drama enter, Cambridge
Bob Bernard {Martin Weet), recovering
scooped up at the high school graduation
grave {Roddy McDowall) In "Lord Love a
a broken leg, Ia
rival Alan Mus.
George Axelrod, well-known as
a Broadway comedy playwright,
producer, and director, makes his
screen directing debut with "Lord
Love A Duck." The film, based on
AI Mine's novel, is a r."Omedy
satirizing the tribal customs of the
Southern California high school
set. Roddy McDowell and Tuesday
Weld are the teen-agers. Harvey
Korma!l as the high school prin•
cipal, Lola Albright, Martin West,
A. H. said in the New
"Lord Love A
Duck" is v ruely reminiscent of
such ~al u es as "Lolita"
and "T\ .e Uved r>ne." The fast•
moving amt>ons are obvious, he
added, b · itbough the lines are
fu!Uly a ey rarely gen·
erate big au .
"Lord Lov 1 A Duck" opens to•
day at Sym~ony Cinema I and GARY - (Ll 2-7040) UN 4-:2630)
-n.. Sow>d of Mudc" ThursSat Mar 3-6 and Ruth Gordon represent the the West En( Cinema, and March
Daily: 2, 8 :30 WPd-Sal Mar 9-12 ld ati 9 at th H ard Sq Th t
5...,, 2 • 7 ,30 o er gener on. e ar1 uare ea re.
MUSIC HALL - ( 423..:!300) ·+"+"+"+"+"+''+'~"+"+"+"tl'+':+'~'+"+':+'~"+'~'+"+"+''+''+"+"+'~'+"+'~"+"+ ..... ... . ~·:.·:. ... ...... ... .. ........ . :+'~"+':+-i.·~·· ··+':+":;._ . ...... .... •• .... •• .. ·
•Thund.,.ball" ·" """"" """ "" ·· """ "" "··""" ·· ··" "" """ ·· ··" · ' ·· ··" ·· ··" "·· .. ·· .,. .. "" ·· "·· ··" .... "·· ··" •· ..... + •• +.;+.,+ .. • .. +.
Da~So 10. 12:30. 2:55. 5 :20. 7 :45. COFFEE HOUSES
San: 1. 3:15. 5 :30, 7 :45, 9 :55
Ofll'REUM - ( 542-5557) '+"+'"+"+"+"+'~····:."+"+': .. ·+"+':."+'·+':+"+'~'+"+'·+'~'+''+'"+"+"+'·•··+"+':."+ '+'~"+"+''+''+''+"+'.+"+"+"+'.+"+"+'.+'.+''+"+"+' "+"+''+'"+"+"+"+'·+·:•·-.··+'·+':+' Throu,llh Tnt•1dny ' ·· ·· .............. ·· .. ·· ·· " " ·· ·· ·· " .. " ·• ·· ·• " " ·· ·· ·· ·· " ·· " · · '' " ·· " ·· '' " ·· ·· ·• ·• " ·· " •· " " " " ··" " ·· " ·· " " ·· " ·· " " " · "'iJ~~:r;!~~:os~~;. 1:3S. 4 ' 20• 7 • Rose offers stimulating theatre, comfortable chairs
Wed, Thurs (Mar !1, 9):
"Mmr Wivr< of Windsor" Tucked away in a snug second- ticularly to Io!lesco, whose tech· ''The Lion" points out that all
rARlM~J~T s5 10. 12:45, 3:30, 6 :15, case :10t only fc·'~ music talent, but year-old man who peevishly and in war is an eVJI, childish sport. The Sun: 1. 3 :40, 6 :35, 9 :05 theatrical work by Boston actors baby-talk refuses to eat his cereal. General stanjps his foot petulantly
Srnrh Wn/. Mnr. 9 . as well. Suddenly he becomes a general and pouts~ause be wants a re-
.. Fl•l-!ht nt th,· l,hot•n•x" , -T P~RJS - 128'1-8181) One group that has been per· chauffeured about in a little red port in pencil. The most
£Y':b~n;- i'o Cbertloarl" forming there is the Tempo wagon while barking military com- importa!lt st ategy of the war, he
PARI: 'so'. CrNEMA - (542·22201 Theatre. Under the direction of mands at the audience. Then he says, is~ :n.itk our losses in blue
;~~~~~4~0~h~, rK.1i~;o Jack Sheridan, who believes becomes a shy shoe salesman, and pencil a~ U¥>seif the enemy in
SAvoy - < HA e-2120 1 strongly in the need to perform ultimately returns to the cereal red. ~
~<;n;, ~0. 1r'f 4 . e. 8 . 10 new playwriltbts. the Tempo bowl. Ba~y is played by Reggie Audience discu ·~ follows per-
SWl: 1:30. 3:30. 5:30. 7:'30. 9 :30 Theatre will present the American Stuart; wtthout doubt, the largest formance ; e var1ety of view·
uzr:f.~; !!J ~~ p~miere of "The Lion" by Amos actor in Boston. The other two poi~ ex ed, said the director,
Woo. Tue, nu, Yri: 8:30 Kenan on March 4 and 18. characters, played by Bili Bar- is astoun · d The Rose has
~!~· ~a~',i; 11' 30 Kenon's writing owes much to num and Geraldine Marshall, go the most COIII(ortable chairs of any
~C?~J} ;; J;!~;!I820 > the Theatre of the Absurd, par- through similar vicissitudes. coffee-house in Boston.
wis~M~ The Rose Unicom
.. Lord Luvt• a Duck"
Daily: 12. 2 : 3(1, 4 :35, 6 :55, 9 : 15
!'.un. I, 3:1.'), 5 :35, 7:.';0, 9:45
122 Salem St., North End, Boston
day: co 7·1406
825 Boylston St., Boston
I!RATJ'LE - (TR 6-4226)
eve.: 523-8537
Thurs. 3 - John Cowles
thru Sun. 13 - Tom Paxton, le Mandrells
Club 47
CCo.tlDued fl'OIII Pap 1)
Radcliffe. Excerpts from Can·
tatas Z1, 56, 64, 78, 131, others.
WUma ,.._m.,_, M~raao
- MON March 7, 8:30 p.m. B.U.
Concert Hall, 855 Comm. Ave.
FREE. B.U. Faculty Recital.
Orllinal chamber music of An·
thony NewmB!l, BU graduate
student. THURS Mar. 3, 8:30
p.m. Concert Hall, 855 Comm.
Ave. FREE.
Plano recital by Marie Clodis.
Concert Hall, 855 Comm. Ave.
FRI Mar. 4, 8:30 p.m. FREE.
Musical aad Uterary evellia1.
Helen Zimbler, soprano, sings
Austrian songs and Ernst Wal•
dinger reads from his poetry.
International Institute, 'JZ1
Comm. Ave. , SAT Mar. 5, 8:15
p.m. $1.50.
Spooa River Allthology by Edgar
Lee Masters. Reading, THURS
March 3, 4 p.m. Tufts Arena
Theatre. FREE. Poems ar·
ranged for theater. Presented by
Emerson College.
Drama Society ODe-Acls - WED•
FRI. Mareh 2-4, 8:30p.m. Cam·
pion Hall, Boston College, SOc.
My Eye Sees Not So Far-THURS
SAT, March 3·5. Agassiz Thea·
ter, Radcliffe.
Nl«ht ol the Iguana by Tennessee
Williams. WED, FRI. SAT,
March 2, 4, s, 8:30, Bates Hall,
YMCA, G16 Huntington Ave. KE
6-7800. $1.50. Presented by the
Phoenix Players.
Pause and BegiD Alain - MON
March 7, 8 p.m. YWCA, 7
Temple St., caffib. A revue on
love and war presented by the
Caravan theatre.
Tackled Pink THURS-SAT, March
3-5. Kresge Aud., MIT. $2.50, $2,
$1.85. Tech show c student writ•
ten musical > .
The World of Sholom Alelcbem -
THURS March 3, 8:30 p.m.
Temple Shalom, 475 Winthrop
St., Medford. FREE.
Flnlall'l Rainbow. Musical. Quin·
cy House Drama Society, Quin•
cy House, Harvard. Opens
THURS March 3. 491-7765.
ADd Mn. Reilly Drbaks A UUJe
by Paul Zinnel.
Mon. 7- Gil DeJesus ILatin guitar festival>
Thurs. 10- John Cowles
47 Palmer St., Cambridge BUNl.IEL - Land Without BreAd
U A .. KATZ - Wisp
Symphony Cinema I
Huntington at Mau. Ave.
The most beautiful cocktail lounge in the country
plus a piano bar and music
''Th<' MAnit·d WomAn"
··cvnh•m•'' ..
Wrd-Snt (M"' 9-12):
"Shunt tht• l'iano Play~r"
ESQUIRE - ( 491-7130)
Daily: 7:15, 9:30
Sat, Sun: 2 :30. 5. 7 : 15. 9 :30
HARVARD SQ. - (UN .f-4580)
Throu)th Tu~s:
"To Trap A Spy" I :45, 4 :SO. 8
"Spy With My Fact>" 3 :50. 11:30.
9 :40 Sn<'ak Pll',.i,.w: Fri Mar 4, 8 pm
~lar 9-15:
"Lord Lo''" " Duck" 2, 5:50, 9 :45
"\\'hat's Nrw Pussycat" 4, 7:50 No cover· No minimum-Serving hot and cold Hor d'oeuvrea
10A Eliot Street, Cambridge in Harvard Square ·-----------~Oscar nominees
• 0
• 0
• 0
• 0
• 0
• 0
• ~
• 0
uN 4-4580 u • u~ can be seen here
Through Tuesday:
"To Trap a Spy''
1:45, 4:50 8
"Spy With My Face"
3:25, 6:30, 9:40
Opening Wed. Mar. 9:
"Lord Love a Duck"
• Of the five nominees for the
0 oscar as "Best Picture of the
~ Year", only two can now be seen
• L'l the Boston area.
o "Darling" is currently at the
• €squire Theatre in Cambridge and
~ .,,The Sound of Music" at the Gary
• tn Boston.
0 "Ship of Fools', the third nomi•
~ nee, played earlier this year at
• the Astor.
0 "Dr. Zbivago" opens March 16
• at the Saxon .
o The fifth nominee, "A Thousand
• Clowns", wi11 not be seen here
o until spring,
BRATTLE SQ. TR 6-4226 u• o~ 8m~ftr.-mP.fti-
• 0
• Through Saturday: •
N ~266 MJDEKE - Nigbtride
$1.50 admission plus ~1 me~rship per year B~.,JWAGE - Dog Su.r Man: Parts
Fri. lL - Candlelight Players prese!Jt Tennessee
Wed. 2, Thurs. 3, Fri. 4, ~. 5 - Muddy Walen Greed. Erich Von Stroheim's si-
Williams' "The Case of the Crushed Petunia"
Sat. 12 - John Perry & Penny Freeman
Blues Band lent clasic. WED Marcb 2; 7,
Sun. 6- hoot 9:30 p.m. 2 Divinity Ave., Cam-
Sun. 13 - Italian Guitar Festival
Mon. 7, Tues. 8, Wed. 9 - nes Square Two bridge.
Thurs. 10, Fri. u, Sat. 12 Jim xweskin & The Restricted Films
Where It's At
660 Beacon Street, Boston
cover: $2.50
Jug Band
Sun. 13 - hoot
"ony Beawer
Fri. 4, Sat. 5, Sun. 6 - Jose Feliciano, The Moon•
light Walkefs
56 Bcry"lston St., Cambrldg
cover: 50c Mon. & Tues.l l
Show times- Fri. & Sat. : 8:30, 11 p.m. Sun. : 3:30,
minimum: SOc Mon., ~ .• m.~.
every Mon. & Tues. - ~ Perpr
53 Berkeley St. (near Tremont), Boston
58 Boylston St.,
Fri. 4 thru Mon. 7, Wed. 9 thru Sun. 13 - Guela
Gill, Israeli singer
every !light: Miguel,
Turk's Head
71~ Charles St., Bo•ton
Wed. 2 - Ray Pong
Thurs. 3- Carl Watanabe
Fri. 4 - Steve Koreb
Sat. 5 - Leonda
Sun. 6 - John Perry
Mon. 7 - Nancy Michaels
Tues. 8 - Paul MacNeil
Wed. 9 - Ray Pong
Thurs. 10 - Sallie Comins
Fri. 11 - Steve Koretz
(flamenco & classical
13 Charles St., Boston
LA 3·9391
cover: 75c
Wed. 2 - Bill Staines
Thurs. 3 - John Perry
Fri. 4 - Monte Dunn
Sat. 5 - Mitch Blake
Sun. 6 - John Rowllngson
Mon. 7 - Ed Freeman
Tues. II - Steve Koretz
Wed. 9 - Peter Childs
Thurs. 10 - Paul MacNeil
Fri. 11- Nancy Michaels
Only students, faculty, and staff
of the school mentioned are ad•
mited to these films!
BU: all films in George Sherman
U!lion. BU ID required. SOc.
FRI Mar 4, 8 pro: "Sous Les
Toits de Paris". France, 1929.
Directed by Rene Clair.
SAT Mar 5, 8 pm: "Things to
Come" <1936) and "Forbidden
Planet" 11954).
MIT: MIT 1D required, SOc.
FRI Mar 4, 7 & 9:30 pm, "Re•
SAT Mar 5, 5:15, 7, 9:45 pm.
Room 26-100: "lpcress File"
SUN Mar 6, 8 pro. Room 10..250.
"Blockheads and Chumps at Ox•
L'Expa.DSloll Pbenlcieaue en Med·
llerrBDee a Ia lumtere de l'hls•
tolre des cu.Jtes.
MON March 7, 5 p.m. BoylstDn
Hall Aud., Harvard. FREE.
Denis van Bercbem, Prof. at
Univ. of Geneva.
Vupard Science. Dr. Isaac Asi·
mov. Sponsored by the Office
of Adult Eduction. TUES March
8, 8:15 p.m. Olin..Sang Amer.
Civil Center, Brandeis, $1. s
Hanant: o.w.e ol a cealempor•
ary UDinral&y. William Ben· b
tinck..Smith. TUES March 8, 8:15 13
p.m. Cambridge Center for Adult -----------•
Education, 42 Brattle St. 90c.
All Evellias with &be Arilst. Si
Cohen. WED March 2, 6:30 p.m.
Feldberg Lounge, Sherman Stu•
dent Center, Brandeis. FREE.
New World aDd New Ideas, Geo•
p-aphlcal Diseoftl')' ud Ule
Thoupl o1 Ute ReDalsauee.
John H. Parry, Prof. of ocean·
ography. THURS March 3, 4
p.m . Rabb Lounge, Bra!ldeis .
The Found Object: Call It Be ArlT
MON March 7, 8 p.m. 100 New•
bury St. $1.50. Varujan Boghos•
ian, George Segal, Ulfert Wilke
join Happenings Originator Al·
Ian Kaprow.
General Editor ef Newsweek, John
A. Conway, with Robert J.
Leonard a'ld Rev. Allred J. Jot•
son, S.J. will speak at a sym·
posium of the College of Bus·
iness Admin. WED March 2, 7
p.m. Fulton Hall, Boston Col·
Tbe StriDI Quartets of Beetllona
Prof. Klaus Liepmann. 111URS
March 3. 5 p.m. Music Library,
MIT. FREE. In conjunction with
Beethove!l String Quartet con·
cert ( see music listing).
Pref. Tullio BarlotU. Director, Ec·
onomics Institute, Univ. of Pa·
dova THURS March 3, 7:30
George Sherman Union Aud. ,
B.U. " Italy and Her Economic
MON March 7, 3 p.m.1 Confer·
ence Room 315, B.U. Union
"ContEmporary Commu!'lica·
tion of Economic Ideas"
TUES March 8, 3 p.m.: Confer•
ence Room 515, B.U. Union
"Profit in International Ec•
onomic Thought"
VletD&m - Its Cost to Americall
Ideals. Sgt. Do!lald Duncan
!formerly with the Green Ber•
ets>, Sen. Stephen Young, Julian
Bond. FRI March 4, 8: 15. Jor•
dan Hall, $1.
Marcaret Mead. "The Se:naal
Freedom of Womea.'' WED
March 2, 3:30 p.m . BU George
Shennan Union, T75 Comm. Ave.
PoetrJ Readlac
Robert Peu Warren alld Wllllam
Alfred reading from their own
works. FRI March 4, 8:30 p.m.
Arlington Street Church, $1.50.
Benefit for SNCC.
Lewis Turt:e reading his own work
FRI March 4, 8:30 p.m. Cam•
bridge Center for Adult Edt~a·
tion, 42 Brattle St., Camb. KI
7~. $1.2.5. Prof. Turco's work
has appeared in Atlantic Mo!!th·
ly, New Yorker, Saturday Re·
view, Kenyon Review. He has
had two books published.
Hockey - Bruins. Boston Garden.
THURS March 3, 8 p.m. N.Y.
SUN March 6, 7:30p.m. Toronto.
Basketball - Celtics. Boston Gar•
WED March 2, 8:15 p.m. N.Y.
SUN March 6, 2 p .m. Phila.
Aqaatlc UceDSe, synchronized
swimming productio!l. Water
ballet. Wellesley College Swim
Club. FRI, SAT Mar. 4, 5. 75c.
Festival of Natlolts. Fair and show
sponsored by the BU Intema·
tional Students. FRI. SAT Mar.
4, 5. .
The Fair: George Sherman
Union Ballroom, BU, 755
Cmm. Ave .• 11 a .m." p.m.
The show: Hayden Hall, BU, 685
Comm. Ave. 7:30 p.m. $1.
PeJ!ce Corps - WED March 2, a
p.m. Sanders Theater, Harvard
"Peace Corps: Revolution, lm·
perialism, or Waste?" Pa!lel
discussion. THURS March 3,
7:30p.m . 2 Divinity Ave., Camb.
"A Choice I Made" . Film aboot
Peace Corps volunteers in India
lSS minutes) .
Next Week
DuJIIter Hollie Music Society Coa·
cert - SUN March 13. 3 p.m.
Dunster House Library, Har•
K. P . E. BACH - Der emprind•
samer Stil; piano sonatas, fan•
Mildred Freiberg, piano
Judy CoiUos. Folk singer. FRI
March 11, 8:30 p.m. Symphony
Hall. $3.75, $3.50, $3, $2.50.
Roek 'a' Roll Concert - SAT
March 12. Sar. Gym, B.U. $2
advance, $2.25 at door .
MlLHAUD - C~ation of the World
COPLAND - Concert for clarin~t ftnd
atrina: orchestra
~u<'st solnist . Felis Vbcu~lia
STRAVINSKY - Stnry of a Snldier
conductor: WJIIiam Stein
BSO Open Rehearsal - 111URS
March 10, 7:30. Symphony Hall.
Donald Wlllln': Ol'(all Concert -
SUN March 13, 6 p .m. Sym•
phony Hall.
BACH - Prdudr and Fu~~:ue In D
minor ( "Fiddh·" ): Fugue in G
minor: Fanto.,ia and Fu~rue ln G
FRANCK - Pwlud~. FuiCu,. and Varl·
DUPRE - The Spinner, Canon, final
Grand Gospel C.ncert - N~:w Fel·
lowship Baptist Church, 616
Blue Hill Ave., Roxbury, SUN
March 13, 3 p.m.
The Play of Daniel - SAT March
1Z, 8 p .m. Sanders Theater,
Harvard. Presented by the Cam•
bridge School of Weston.
Spring Drama Festival - Jewett
Arts Center Aud., Wellesley. 75c.
FRI. March 11
YEATS - Purgatury
GIRAUOOUX - Madwoman m
Chaillot (scenes)
JCOPIT - Oh Dad, Poor D.•d . ..
( scenes )
SMITH - The Drunkard ( ,..1...,.
SAT. Man:h 12
DELANEY - A Taslt· of Hont'y
( first act )
WILLJAMS - Clan Mena~e•ri••
< •~ne )
MILNE- ~adinRS and mime
Rlgbt Up YOW' Alley - March 14-
30. Hasty Pudding Club, 12 Hoi·
yoke St., Camb.
Ken Jacobs: Undei'IJ'Ound Mories
FRI March 11, 8:30 p.m . Odd·
fellows Hall, 536 Mass. Ave.
PoelrJ Reading
Sound, Rhythm and Tbeme ID
Paradise Lost- Poetry readbg
by Martin Mueller, inst. in Eng·
lilh. WED March 9, 4 :15 p.m.
Rabb Lounge, Brandeis. FREE.
Hockey - Bruins, Boston Garden
SUN., March 13, 7:30 p.m. De•
Basketball - Celtics. Boston Gar•
den. SUN. March 13, 2 p.m. Bal·
timore .
nckets for all eveats ln thJs Ust
are avallable by mall now. Wben
ordering tickets by mall, always
enclose a stamped addressed en·
n lope, Unless noted, these tlcltets
are now also avaUable at tbe box
Jose Greco, and his Spanish Gypsy
Dancers. FRI. Mar. 25, Sym•
phony Hall (CO 6-1492). Mail
orders only. Box office opens
Mar. 4. BU Celebrity Series.
$.50, $4. $3.50, $2.50.
Claslcal Guitarist Andres Segovia.
SUN. Mar. 20, 3 p.m . Jordan
Hall. $4.75, $3.75, $2,75. BU
Celebrity Series. Mail orders
CO LOll bv 0[ l JYL · !.Jill M~WJI'I
10: 110 A.M., 12:H , 2:H, 4:110, ' ' " •
I :M AND lO: ot I".M.
New York Pre Muslca. FRI. Mar.
25, 8:30 pm. Sanders Theatre,
Harvard. FREE tickets avail·
able by mail only from Mason
Music Foundation, 59 Fayer•
weather St., Cambridge.
\ 'lctor Borge in a new version of
his "Comedy in Music". SUN.
Mar. 'n, 3 pm. Symphony Hall.
Tickets available from Boston
Community Music Center, 251
Commonwealth Ave., Boston.
RAiger WUUams and the Duntton
Ensemble. SUN. Mar. 20, 3 pm.
Symphony Hall. "
OF 80P:'3 PI-STEP. iAV.S
"The Married Woman" 0 ~ Sunday through Tuesday ~ d!b
CoalemporBJ'7 stained Glasa. J~
seph Ferguson. TUES March 15,
8:30p.m . Cambridge Center for
Adult Educ. 42 Brattle St. KI 7·
6789, 90c.
Schools ill Pft-Blbllcal ud Blb•
Uc:al Days. Samuel Noah Kra•
mer. TUES March 15, a p.m.
McElroy ComlnooS, &.ton Col•
lege. $1.
• "Contempt" •
~ Shows daily at 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 0
~ Sat. & Sun. Mats 3:30 ~
1 1 J• u • o • o • o • u • o • o • o • o • o • o • o • o • o •
On Open Chdrcoa!
L."'ncheons & Oin.,e~s
::~(- ,., ~-:"'1 . • ~ ..... 5d+ ._ I I -" ..... t -:> ICc ......
564 MASS AVE . CAMBRIDGE - 354-970~
TEL RES. lJ 2·4500
Five shows opening her this weelc
Theatre Co. new play festival starts Thurs. Gogol's 'Inspector Generar at Charles
Theatre Company of Boltaa'a
Festival of New Plays opens to•
morrow with the premier of ""lbe
Infantry" , by Andy and Dave
Lewis. There will be a preview to•
Burris de Benning will play the
lead role of Wiley. He was Jut
see!l as Claudio in Theatre Com•
pany's production of "Measure for
Measure." Resident actors Paul
Benedict and Larry Bryggman are
also featured. Benedict played
Stanley in "The Birthday Party"
and Henri in "Yes is For a Very
Young Man." Bryggma"' played
the Nazi officer in "Fear and Mi•
sery of the Third Reich."
Set ID Wartime Germuy
The play is an account of nine
young American soldiers, their
Nazi prisoner, and a Germa!l girl,
The scene is set in the kitchen or
a German home just before the
last American advance across
enemy territory.
Tbe arrival of an official who
may be "Tbe Inspector General"
throws a small Russian town into
a tizzy. Nikolai Gogol's satirical
comment on the bureaucrats of
his time and ours bas been newly
translated by Thomas Butler, Pro:
fessor of Russian at Tufts Univer:
sity. Lawrence Pressman is the
official from St. Petersburg, and
Ronald Bishop, Gwyllum Evans,
Maureen FitzGerald. and Ly!ln
Milgrim are featured . The fifth
production of the season at the
Charles Playhouse is under the
direction of Michael Murray. "The
Inspector General" opens tonight
and will run for six weeks. To•
night's curtain time is 8 p.m .
Brendan Burke and Gwyllum
Jim Kennedy, Paul Benedict, and Burrla deBen· Evalla In a acene from Gogol '•
The authors claim that the play
is not intended to be a war drama,
but rather a documentation of the
times, and a story of personal ten·
sions and revelations that result
from individual Involvement in the
nlng In a 8Cene from "The Infantry." "The lnapector General" now at
the Charlea.
vant's of the People", Sam Shep•
hard's "Icarus' Mother", and
Geoffrey Bush's "Frank Merri•
well's Last Race".
war. Two more premieres: Adrienne
The play runs through March 20. Kennedy's "Rat's Mass" and "Ser•
Curtain tomorrow vice for George Axminster" by
is at '1 :30. George Denruson, will open April
Otller New Plays 14.
The festival of New Plays will Tbe Festival of New Plays is
continue with three ~e-act plays presented by Theatre Company of
from March 24 to April 3. They are Boston under a $10,000 Rockefeller
Lawrence Ferlingbetti's "Ser-Foundation grant.
Pre-Broadway tryout
John Gielgud, Vivien Leigh star
in new adaptation of 'Ivanov'
Sir John Gielgud and Vivien
Leigh head the cast or Anton Chek•
hov's "Ivanov", which ope!Jed
Monday at the Shubert Theatre.
This is a new adaptation of the
play by Gielgud, who has also di•
rected. The pre-Broadway engage•
ment will play here through Satur•
day Mar. 12.
This is the first major American
production of Cbekhov's early play
about middle class morality. Giel•
gud plays a moody, poetic, tortur•
ed man who is consmned by guilt.
Miss Leigh plays the role of his
disgarded wife.
Reuben Ter·arutunian designed
the productio!l, and Ralph ~
ag did the lighting.
Gielgud is best known as a
Shakespearian actor, however he
has also appeared in Cbekhov's
"Cherry Orchard", "Three Sis•
ters", and '"l1Je Sea Gull."
Vivien Leigh has received Aca•
demy Awards for three film roles:
Scarlett O'Hara in "Gone With
The Wind,'' Blanche in "Streetcar
Named Desire", and the divorcee
i~ "Ship of Fools." Miss Leigh
also· has stage experience. She has
played a number of Shakespearian
roles, and bas starred twice op•
posite Sir Lawrence Olivier.
"Ivanov" recently played Lon•
don, and will play Philadelphia,
Toronto, and Washington before
ope!ling in New York April 25 for
a seven-week engagement.
'Roses' touring company at Wilbur
Frank D. Gilroy's Pulitzer Prize
winning play ''The Subject Was
Roses'' opened a three-week en•
gageme!lt at the Wilbur Theater
on Monday. Its three Broadway
stars, Jack Albertson, Martha
Visit tht- Gold~nen Lowt>n Cocktllil
Loungt" in Harvnrd Squar't" Old..st
Wursthaus Restaurant
4 Boylston St., Cnmbridge
Lit>Surt"ly c:ocktail with Elaint'
Le Paris at the organ
Scott and Martin Sheen, continue
in the roles they created in New
"Subject Was Roses" is review•
ed elsewhere in this issue.
The play, about an Irish family
in the BI'OD:(, also WO!l tbe Tpny
award and the New York Drama
Critics Award.
Gilroy's first play was .. Wbo'H
Save the Plowboy" , which was
presented off-Broadway in 1962
and won an Obie.
The Larry Stark Press
proud ly announces two new publication• :
Th ree linked novelettes of the folk
music world - by E laine Burr
P oems a nd prose in praise of
Cambridge -- by Kip Crosby
Other publications include:
ALMOST GROWN a nd other stories, by
Peter Guralnick
THERE'S ROSEMARY, new poems by J udith Namias
EMBERS, poems by Nancy J oyce McDowell
Called lurid, obscure
Wedekind's 'Spring's Awakening' at Harvard
"Spring's Awakening," a tum•
of-the-century German play by
Frank Wedekind, will be presented
March U and 9-12 at Harvard's
Loeb Drama Center.
Wedekind has suffered from the
reputation of bei!lg the "naughty
boy of modem German drama,"
his plays often viewed as filth and
junk. Two years ago, England's
National Theater Company cancel•
led plans to do "Spring's Awaken•
i!lg'' because, among other fact•
ors, the board ..of directors found
the play obscure and lurid. When
it was finally and successfully pro•
duced · last year in London, the
Lord Chamberlain still demanded
cuts in the script. After the only
American professional productio!l,
in New York in 1917, one news•
paper repoi'Uld: ALL CHILD•
"Spring's Awakening'' does not
shame chlldhood: it criticizes, with
humor and pathos, the ugly way
in which childhood mysteries are
twisted by misinformation a'ld
adult secrecy.
It tells of three adolescents com•
ing to puberty in a world commit•
ted to keeping sexual matters a
secret. Wendla, who is fourteen,
has difficulty abandoning her little
girl's life and yet reels a secret
curiosity which focuses on Melch•
ior Gabor, the most popular, gift•
ed, and attractive !itude!lt of his
community. Melchior feels a sim•
ilar curiosity, yet is unsure whe•
ther to treat is as enlightenment
or sin. When Wendla and Melchior
make love for the first time, Wen•
dla becomes pregnant and dies of
a botched abortio!l. Melchior is
sent to a reformatory, breaks out,
and finds himself at the end in a
cemetery, seriously contemplating
The third and most naive of the
three children, Moritz, becomes a
victim of the sYstem. He fails at
school; he fails his parents ; he
fails to understand what be calls
"the first stirring of ma'lhood."
The play represents a dramatic
form which later was to be per•
fected in the hands of Bertolt
Brecht ! who knew and admired
Wedekind). In ninetee!l brief
scenes, the world of adults is con•
trasted with the world of children ;
dreams and harsh facts are jum•
bled together.
Tickets are available at the
Loeb Drama Center box office, 64
Brattle St., Cambridge; phone UN
Ill 'Daisy Clover' bleached out version of the book
The Natalie Wood version of "In•
side Daisy Clover" is a movie with
a begL-ming and part of ·a middle,
and little else. It can.'lOt make up
its mind to be a musical extrava•
ganza, or a searing revelation of
the Hollywood star system, or a
kid's eye view of grown-up sex.
It tries all three alternately, more
or less sucoessfully, but the sum
total is zero.
Those who have read Gavin
Lambert's no~el, and know how
very good it is, will be disappoint•
ed that he bas made such a super•
ficial screen-play out of it. There
is o!lly a plot-summary of the book
here, and everything that made
the book great seems to have been
bleached out before it reached the
Tbe plot is the same: Daisy
Clover is a star at fifteen < "Amer•
ica's Little Valentine" ) married at
sixteen, divorced at seventeen, and
Open 7 Days
A Week
4 P.M.
To Closing
Au Club Henri IV
Tel.: 176-40f6 ••• EL 4-f60l
2nd Right Off Boylston Str .. t
French Atmosphere •nd Wines
INSIDE DAISY CLOVER. Oi~ed by m ade her live with a horror Of a
Robert Mulligan. sc;reenplay by Gavin sister and brother-in-law. They op•
Lambert, based on bu novel of the same
name. Produced by Alan J. Pakula, for posed her marriage to an actor
Wam!'r Brotben. At I:oew's Orpbeum. who turns out to be queer. And
Runrun~ Time: 12" mmutes. the de 1 ped be sin · d
Daisy . . . . . . . . . . • . . . Natalie Wood
Raymond Swan . . Christopher Plumm<'r
M<'flora Swan . . . . . . . . Katherine Bard
Lewis Wade . . . . . . . . Robert Redford
The Pealer ........... Ruth Gordon
a has-been at eighteen. The film
suggests, though, that she is hap•
pier giving up her career than
she was livi!lg it.
There are nuggets buried in the
mud, but no effort is ever made
to capitalize on them.
Oddly enough, some of the best
footage in the film are two musical
numbers. They suffer from very
badly dubbed sound, but they have
the flavor of excellent late-forties
One sequence shows Daisy film•
ing a song <"The Circus is a Happy
Place" ). The lyrics speak of the
circus being ~ot the kind of happy
place it looks, but still too wonder•
rul to give up. This is a comment
on the story at the time, but it is
also a good musical number in the
grand tradition.
Daisy's rirst film is a short
black-and-white dance number to
the song "You're Gonna Hear
From Me" i!l which Natalie Wood
does a dance in the style of Fred
Astair. Stars and planets are add•
ed as dancing-partners by trick
photography. It sounds corny, but
it works in a way that little else
in the film does.
The " realistic" parts of the film
are concerned with the backstage
life of the star. The film is adver•
tised as "The story of what they
did to a kid". Well, they commit•
ted her senile mother to a rest
home, agai!lst Daisy's will. They
y veo r gmgan
acting talent to the point where
they can make lots 8Jid lots of
money. Everythi.'lg is done sketch•
ily, with no real emotional com•
mitment on anyone's part. When
DaisY gives up all at the end of
the picture, she is really no more
~mpatbetic than her so-called
Daisy is seduced, married, and
then deserred on her weddi!lg night
by matinee idol Wade Lewis 2021-05-18T18:44:45.838Z